Cathedral Recertification Update: August 27, 2010
Cathedral Re-Certification Update 8/27/2010
As we move ahead in our 40 year re-certification process required by the City of Miami, we have made progress on a number of fronts. The initial building reports have been completed by both the structural and electrical engineers.  During a follow up meeting between the architect, the engineers and the Cathedral Officers, it was highly recommended that the Cathedral leadership approve an additional "testing & exploration" program of a few suspect areas for further examination. The Chapter approved this additional expense, and Friends of Trinity secured a grant to help offset the cost.

This past week, the program was initiated.  The electrical program included further mapping of the four main power lines that come from the FPL vault and enter into the Cathedral.  The structural program included a review of certain points on the exterior walls, core samples of existing concrete from the interior of the building and opening of walls and floors for further inspection.  The actual drilling and demolition work required has been cleaned up, and with the help of our general contractor, Church Restoration Group, we have safely covered all the openings in areas in which we walk.  The decision was made to leave the openings as they are in the ceilings and walls so that expenses can be kept at a minimal in those areas we know we will have to restore anyway.  When you're in the Cathedral you'll see a few of these openings when you look up--for example in the clerestory aisle as you exit the south transept door.

You may also notice that one half of the red carpet in the ambulatory has also been removed.  Extensive mold was found in both the padding and the carpet.  Although the final "testing & exploration" findings report has not been completed, the initial review and feedback is both positive and negative.  We have some areas of initial concern that are actually intact and fine.  However, we also have a couple of areas of major concern ... one of those being under the chancel platform, another inside the communion rail.

Over the next few weeks the final reports will be completed and then presented to the Officers and Chapter.  At that time, discussions will then be initiated to prioritize what steps we will follow to commence correcting outstanding structural and electrical issues, so that we may complete the re-certification process.  In the meantime, parishioners and visitors will soon be able to view pictures of the "testing & exploration" work by visiting Friends of Trinity's Facebook page.  Thank you to those parishioners and visitors who had patience with us during the past week while this work was being completed.