"Transforming Trinity - Pews to Chairs" Project

“Transforming Trinity”
Revisioning our Cathedral

"Pews to Chairs" Project
Donate a Chair by downloading the donation form HERE.

Dear friends, 

On Trinity Sunday, June 4, 2023, we held three important “town hall” meetings, one after each worship service. These meetings offered an update on the 40/50-year recertification of the cathedral building, and we also presented a new and exciting project entitled “Transforming Trinity.”

The motivation behind “Transforming Trinity” is based on the following:

  • It is likely that the construction of our new Cathedral Hall will take between three and four years to complete. That timeline depends on the complex process of acquiring building permits from the City of Miami, as well as on many other factors involved in large-scale construction.
  • During this interim time, we do not have a space large enough to hold large functions and gatherings or carry out many aspects of the Mission and Vision of Trinity Cathedral.
  • Until the new Cathedral Hall is complete, we urgently need a large space which allows us to grow our ministries and our outreach programs, to provide opportunities for fellowship and social events, to open the doors of the Cathedral for community partnerships and engagement, and to provide a healthy income stream for the future.

For all these reasons, the Cathedral Chapter has made the important decision to replace the pews in the nave with cathedral chairs.

For many years now, pews have been replaced by chairs in countless cathedrals and churches around the Episcopal Church and the world with remarkable success, and many that were in decline have seen a transformation and a rebirth of their communities. Cathedral chairs will give us a fully flexible and multi-purpose space that functions not only for worship, but for a variety of ministry and community events.

Presentation with examples:

Link  Link  Link

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the “Transforming Trinity” project:

Question: What is the timeline for the project? Answer: We hope to remove the pews and have the new chairs in place by the end of 2023.

Question: What is the total cost of this project? Answer: the total cost including chairs, removal of pews, refurbishing the tile floor in the Cathedral nave, and repurposing of the wood from the pews is approximately $150,000. 

Question: Are the pews in the Cathedral historic? Answer: No, the pews are not original to the Cathedral. They were added sometime in the 1950s, and many are damaged or broken.

Question: What will be done with the pews after they are removed? Answer: The wood from the pews will be repurposed or recycled (more details coming soon).

Question: Will the honorary plaques on the pews be preserved? Answer: Yes, the plaques will be removed from the pews, preserved, and displayed.

Question: What will the new chairs look like? Answer: The Chapter will choose from a variety of cathedral chairs from several different manufacturers. The final choice of chair will be based on usage in our particular context here at Trinity, the ability for stacking and storage, flexibility, comfort, and cost.

Question: Will we have kneelers? Answer: Yes. We are working to find an appropriate replacement option for kneelers that will also allow for flexibility in the space.

Question: How can you help with the “Transforming Trinity” project? Answer: You can donate a new cathedral chair! Please donate a chair by downloading and using the donation form HERE.

Chester Cathedral, UK

The members of the Chapter and I are very excited about this project, and we all agree that “Transforming Trinity” is a creative and sustainable way forward for the future of the Cathedral. Please reach out to me by email at frjason@trinitymiami.org if you have any questions or concerns.

Many blessings,

Father Jason

The Very Reverend Jason Roberson
Cathedral Provost